Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Lathrop School District is pleased to offer students access to a computer network and the Internet. To gain access to the district devices, network, and the Internet, all students must obtain parental permission. 

What is possible?

Access to the Internet will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, museums, and other repositories of information and to exchange personal communication with other Internet users around the world. Families should be aware that some material accessible via the Internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive. While the purposes of the school are to use Internet resources for constructive educational goals, students may find ways to access other materials. We believe that the benefits to students from access to the Internet in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration exceed the disadvantages. All Internet usage is filtered in an attempt to prevent students from accessing harmful and inappropriate materials while at school. 

What is expected?

Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the school's computer network just as they are in a classroom or on a school playground. Communications on the network are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communications apply. It is expected that users will comply with district standards and the specific rules set forth below. The use of the network is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked if abused. The user is personally responsible for his/her actions in accessing and utilizing the school's computer resources. The students are advised never to access, keep, or send anything that they would not want their parents or teachers to see. It is staff members’ and parents’ responsibility to educate students about appropriate online behavior, including interactions with other individuals on social networking sites/chat rooms, and cyber bullying awareness and response. It is also the responsibility of staff members and parents to monitor students’ online activity for appropriate behavior. 

What are the rules?

  • Privacy - Network storage areas may be treated like school lockers. Network administrators may review communications to maintain system integrity and to ensure that students are using the system responsibly.

  • Inappropriate materials or language - No profane, abusive or impolite language should be used to communicate nor should materials be accessed which are not in line with the rules of school behavior. A good rule to follow is never to view, send, or access materials, which you would not want your teachers and parents to see. Should students encounter such material by accident, they should report it to their teacher immediately.


These are guidelines to follow to prevent the loss of network privileges at school.

  1. Do not use a computer to harm other people or their work nor to transmit any materials in violation of federal or state regulations.

  2. Do not bring any item into the district that will attach to or be used in a district computer or on the district network.

  3. Do not damage the computer or the network in any way.

  4. Do not interfere with the operation of the network by installing illegal software, shareware, or freeware.

  5. Do not violate copyright laws.

  6. Do not view, send, or display offensive messages or pictures.

  7. Do not share your password with another person.

  8. Do not waste resources such as storage space, paper, ink cartridges, etc.

  9. Do not trespass in others’ folders, work, or files.

  10. Do not share personal information on the Internet.

  11. BE PREPARED to be held accountable for your actions and for the loss of privileges if the Rules of Appropriate Use are violated. 

I acknowledge that my child will have access to web-based tools, digital resources, and applications that are deemed necessary and approved by the school district to support curricular objectives. These online services may collect data.