Terms of the Device Use

You must comply at all times with this handbook and Student Acceptable Use Agreement (AUP) and all of its contents. Any failure to comply may end your rights of possession effective immediately and the district may repossess the property.


All students will receive their district-owned devices and related equipment at the beginning of the school year after registration, acceptable use policy (AUP) forms must be signed and returned. Students will only be permitted to use devices owned and issued by the district. The use of personally owned devices or similar devices is not permitted.


Legal title to the property is with the district and shall at all times remain with the district. Your right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon your full compliance with this Agreement and the Parent/Student Device Handbook.

Damage Protection Program (This applies only to middle school and high school students)

Damage protection against breakage, damages, loss, and theft is mandatory. If you have not paid for damage protection and the computer is damaged, lost or stolen, you are responsible for all repairs and/or replacement as well as labor costs associated with the repair. Damage protection can be paid in the High School Principal’s Office and the Middle School Principal’s Office, or online.

Damage protection cost per device is $30.00 annually* and covers one claim in full for accidental damage or breakage of any device parts. Students will be responsible for 100% of the repair if it is not in the school-issued protective case, regardless of damage protection.  The second claim within a year will require a $35.00 deductible. Subsequent claims beyond the second claim within a year will be at a total cost to the student. Payment of each deductible is required before the unit will be repaired. If left unpaid, the student will be given a loaner device to use until payment has been received.  

NOTE:  To claim damage protection repairs, a device or accessory must be turned in for repair.  This does NOT cover the loss of an item, loss will require full replacement cost of the item.

*Damage protection must be paid in full before the first claim can be processed. 

**Damage protection will not be offered after breakage or damages have occurred.

***Reimbursement of damage protection for high school and middle school students that withdraw from the district will be prorated at $15 per semester, with the maximum refund being $15.00 within a given year. 

Coverage begins on the first day of the school year and is effective until the end of the regular school year, or end of summer school session in which your student is enrolled.

Loss or Theft

Loss or theft of the property must be reported to the district by the next school day after the occurrence. Damage protection will cover, with evidence of a filed police report as described below within 24 hours of the occurrence.

  • In case of theft, vandalism, and other criminal acts, a police report must be filed by the student or parent within 24 hours of the occurrence. Incidents happening off campus must be reported to the local police or sheriff (depending on location of incident) by the parent and a copy of the report must be brought to the school within ten school days.

Transfer Out Students

If a transfer to another school takes place, you will have 48 hours to return the computer (device, protective case and charger/power adapter) to the district. If not returned within 48 hours, property will be considered stolen and will be reported to the proper authorities. The district reserves the right to press any and all criminal charges in association with failure to return equipment.


Seniors must clear ALL records and pay all fees and have the device, power adapter and protective case to complete final check out procedures before participating in graduation.

Repair: Terms and Pricing

All devices in need of repair must be brought to the Lathrop R-II School District’s technology office as soon as possible. Students can give the devices to their building librarian. Loaner computers will be available for student use until the Technology Department has successfully repaired the unit.  Loaner computers must be checked out at the Library Media Center.  Students and guardians are prohibited from replacing or repairing devices or equipment themselves or through a third party.

All prices are based on the current cost the district must pay to replace damaged parts and are subject to change. The costs of any other parts needed for repairs will be based on the manufacturer's current price list. The use of stickers, altering, or writing on carrying cases or computers is not allowed and will be charged for removal.

The current replacement cost of the equipment will not exceed the following prices:

  • Device (includes device, charger, asset tags & management software) $350

  • Charger/Power Adapter $30

  • Case $60

  • Screen $90

  • Screen Cover/Top Case $45

  • Bottom Case $45

  • Keyboard/touchpad $80

  • Battery $55

  • Asset Tags $2


Failure to comply with all terms of this Agreement, the Parent/Student device Handbook, and Student Acceptable Use Agreement (AUP), including the timely return of the property, the District may assess a fee for its replacement. All equipment must be returned upon request for any reason. Equipment must be returned prior to leaving the District.

Term of Agreement

Your right to use, and possession of the property, terminates no later than the last day of the school year unless earlier terminated by the District or upon withdrawal from the District. A fee of $10 per day may be assessed for equipment not returned according to these terms.


Your failure to timely return the property and the continued use of it for non‐school purposes without the district’s consent may be considered unlawful appropriation of the district’s property.

Use of Computers and Notebook Computers on the Network

Lathrop R-II School district is committed to the importance of a student being able to continue with their work when their device is experiencing problems. To assist with this problem the district is providing the following:

Loaning or Borrowing device Computers

  • Do NOT loan computers or other equipment to other students.

  • Do NOT borrow a computer from another student.

  • Do NOT share passwords or usernames with others.

Internet Safety

There are many sites on the Internet that can be potentially dangerous to minors. To comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), these sites are blocked while students are logged on to the district network. While at home, devices will enforce Google safe search. This filtering is good, however, it is not perfect. We ask that parents and guardians monitor their child’s Internet activity as an additional precaution.

General Notebook Computer Rules

Operating System

Students are not allowed to modify or reset devices to the factory default.

Backgrounds, Themes, and Screensavers

  • Inappropriate media may not be used as a background, theme, or screensaver.

  • Passwords on screensavers and power-on screens are not to be used.

  • Presence of weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drug and/or gang-related symbols or pictures will result in disciplinary actions.


  • Sound will be muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes. Earphones are required and must be used.

Deleting Files

  • Do not delete any folders or files that you did not create or that you do not recognize.

Transporting Devices

  • Devices must be shut down and stored in a safe location when not being utilized.

  • Devices MUST be kept in the school-issued cases at all times.  

Student Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Technology Resources

As users of technology resources owned and operated by the Lathrop R-II School District, students are responsible for their actions. The district reserves the right to monitor all activity on this electronic network. Students will indemnify the district for any damage that is caused by students' inappropriate use of the network. Students are expected to follow the same rules, good manners, and common sense guidelines that are used with other daily school activities as well as the law in the use of the Lathrop R-II School district technology resources.

  • No one is permitted to connect to the district’s network via any type of wireless device without faculty or staff permission and direct supervision.

  • The district will install all educational applications needed to support the student’s current curriculum. The district will not be held accountable for any unauthorized purchases made from the student’s individual accounts. Nor should any expectations be made that transference of purchased items will be made upon the deletion of student’s Google account.

  • The district cannot guarantee the privacy, security, or confidentiality of any information sent or received via electronic mail. Network administrators can review students' email, file folders, and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that systems are being used responsibly.


  • Creation and posting of Google Sites created by student’s Google account is prohibited without approval from the building administrator.


  • Hardware and peripherals are provided as tools for student use for educational purposes. Students are not permitted to install peripherals or modify settings to equipment without the consent of the district’s Technology Department


  • Any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data, the network, other network components connected to the network backbone, hardware, software or their configuration will result in cancellation of technology and network privileges. Disciplinary measures in compliance with the district's discipline code and policies will be enforced.

Videoconference and Video Chat

  • Video is a way that students can communicate with other students, speakers, museums, etc. from other parts of the country and the world. With video equipment, students can see, hear, and speak with other students, speakers, museum personnel, etc. in real-time.

  • Video sessions may be videotaped by district personnel or by a participating school involved in the exchange in order to share the experience within ours or their building or district.

  • Students' voices, physical presence, and participation in the videoconference are transmitted to participating sites during each session. Rules and procedures relative to acceptable use and behavior by students apply during all video conference sessions.

  • An individual search will be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that a student has violated this agreement or the law. The investigation will be reasonable and related to the suspected violation.

Due Process

  • The district will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the district network.

  • In the event there is an allegation that a student has violated the district's acceptable use regulation and agreement, the student will be provided with a written notice of the alleged violation. An opportunity will be provided to present an explanation before a neutral administrator (or student will be provided with notice and an opportunity to be heard in the manner set forth in the disciplinary code).

  • Disciplinary actions will be tailored to meet specific concerns related to the violation and to assist the student in gaining the self-discipline necessary to behave appropriately on an electronic network. Violations of the acceptable use regulation and agreement may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action.

  • If the violation also involves a violation of other provisions of other school rules, it will be handled in a manner described in the school rules. Additional restrictions may be placed on a student's use of his/her network account.

Limitation of Liability

  • The district makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the district network will be error-free or without defect. The district will not be responsible for any damage suffered, including but not limited to, loss of data, privacy or interruptions of service.

  • The district is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the network. The district will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the network.

  • The district provides content filtering but not all malicious activity can be impeded.

  • The district is not responsible for goods and/or services purchased or sold through district technology resources.

Violations of the Device User Agreement

Violations of this agreement may result in loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Student's violation of this agreement shall be subject to the consequences as indicated within this agreement as well as other appropriate discipline, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Verbal warning and entry in the student’s cumulative record folder

  • Office referral

  • Parent or guardian contact

  • Use of district resources only under direct supervision

  • Suspension of network privileges

  • Revocation of network privileges

  • Suspension of computer privileges

  • In-School suspension

  • After school detention

  • Monday School 

  • Suspension from school

  • Financial reimbursement

  • Expulsion from school and/or

  • Legal action and prosecution by the authorities

The revocation of one or several of these privileges may result in the loss of course credit and possible course failure. The particular consequences for violations of this agreement shall be determined by the school administrators. The superintendent or designee and the board shall determine when school expulsion and/or legal action or actions by the authorities are the appropriate course of action.

This agreement is valid at all times that I have access to Lathrop R-II School District technology, and will be kept on file.


  • Patriot Act - Computer Fraud and Abuse Act -

  • Children’s Internet Protection Act -

  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act -