Food truck is in Lathrop today providing FREE food to any and all families while it lasts starting at 10 a.m at the Goppert Center. Folks are already lining up! Don't miss out! #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Providing meals today! Come and get 'em! We'll go Mon, Tues, Thursday this week. Providing double meals on Tuesday and Thursday. #RollMules #essentialpersonnelrock!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Here's the latest letter to LR2 parents with information on our school building closure due to COVID-19 concerns: #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
LR2 Parents: Please help improve the services we're providing during this pandemic by completing this short survey. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Today's food delivery will include meals for today and Friday. We will not be delivering meals tomorrow. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Special Meeting of the LR2 School Board tonight. Full agenda and online video link here:
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
We're delivering meals to those who requested today between 11 and 1. Dropping off at door.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
We had some offers to help deliver meals to our students. If you'd like to volunteer please fill out this form: Thanks!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
We sad some offers to help deliver meals to our students. If you'd like to volunteer please fill out this form: Thanks!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Here's the latest update for the Mule Nation!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
All LR2 facilities including the sports complex are now closed to the public until further notice. #social distance
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Lathrop R-II will now be closed until at least April 28th. Read about that and more in our latest update here: #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Here is a free social/ emotional lesson plan Ms. Wilcox found to share with parents. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Chauncey Rardon
The latest news and information for the Mule Nation is available here: #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
#1: Social Distance Please! #2 go here to sign-up to receive FREE school meals for all of your kids starting today!
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Here's the lastest news for the Mule Nation including a notice of meals being provided and how to sign up: #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Community Food Truck today 10-????? Free food for any and all Lathrop residents as long as it lasts. Line up at Goppert Center. #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
The Kindergarten and Pre-School screenings scheduled for next week have been postponed until further notice.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
The latest letter to the Mule Nation on COVID-19 and our plans to continue educating our students can be found here: #RollMules
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine
Click on the link for the latest parent letter on LR2's school closing and our plans moving forward.
about 4 years ago, Chris Fine